
DJ Shadow Endtroducing Album

7.Stem/Long Stem

Then go
Decide, decide

I come to play right down
I'll tell your children not to lay right down

I say parking tickets?! you're crazy! I don't...

He says well, they have some outstanding warrants left on you,
And they want to just solve them you know, whatever it'll be.
So they take me in on a chain to long beach.
And now they lock me up in the cell behind the courtroom in Long
While I'm awaiting to be heard on my traffic offences! parking
And I panicked, I'm thinking, oh my God, man,
While I'm here, you know, holding me, actually what's to stop
I mean what's really to stop them? oh, I assumed that maybe some
My mother would realize that I should have gotten out!
But ah, she was nice, she would have known but still, what's to
stop them?
And I'm panicking...
And finally they called...Sorry
Oh my god...I am...

** Transmission 2
...not a dream
We are using your brain's electrical system as a reciever,
We are unable to transmit to your conscious - neural
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We are transmitting from the year 1-9-9...